Universiteit Leiden

Week 4 - Corrections

An overview of common errors that were found during the review of your exercises so far.

Main corrections

The following are important issues that were noticed and that you must think about while encoding your letters.


Use linebreaks <lb/> to indicate the ending of a written or typed line in your letter.

This is the first line of my letter<lb/>
and this is the second line of my letter<lb/>


Make sure that symbols are encoded properly.

I&#39;m not giving up

The following MUST be encoded:

Original Character  XML entity replacement  XML numeric replacement
<                   &lt;                    &#60;                                    
>                   &gt;                    &#62;                                    
"                   &quot;                  &#34;                                    
&                   &amp;                   &#38;                                    
'                   &apos;                  &#39;

Unnecessary spaces and empty elements

In the following example <persName> Woolf </persName> has unnecessary spaces, while <addrLine> is not used. Both the empty spaces and the unused addrLineshould be deleted.


        <persName> Woolf </persName>
        <!-- recipient's address (add <addrLine>s as required) -->



Encode all dates

You should encode all the dates you encounter in your letter, also if they are not in the opening or closing.

<date when="1925-10-31">
    October 31st. 1925.

In the same file, later:

<date when="1924-08">
    August 1924

Use TEI P5 / XML tags and not HTML tags

Make sure you use the appropriate tags in your XML.


        <persName>Frederick Harris</persName>
        <p>Association Press</p>
        <p>347 Madison Avenue</p>
        <p>New York</p>


        <persName>Frederick Harris</persName>
    <addrLine>Association Press</addrLine>
    <addrLine>347 Madison Avenue</addrLine>
    <addrLine>New York</addrLine>

Additional Corrections

The following corrections go beyond what is inserted in the course's guidelines. Feel free to try and implement these in your letters.

Fractions can be encoded

If you encounter fractions like 1/2 or 19/7 in your letter, you could choose to encode them according to the TEI P5 standard. It is not a must.

was within<num type="fraction" value="2.71">19/7</num> <num type="fraction" value="0.5">1/2</num> of the actual expendi-<lb/>

Tables can be encoded

If you encounter tables in your letters, you could try to encode them according to the TEI P5 standard. See: https://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/FT.html#FTTAB

 <head>US State populations, 1990</head>
   <name>Rhode Island</name>


Lists can also be encoded according to TEI P5 standards. See https://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-list.html. If you feel confident, try to follow the standard.

<list rend="numbered">
 <item>a butcher</item>
 <item>a baker</item>
 <item>a candlestick maker, with
 <list rend="bulleted">
   <item>rings on his fingers</item>
   <item>bells on his toes</item>