Bookhistorical research using the STCN

Find all available data about an individual work

The book entitled "De medicyn-winckel, of ervaren huys-houder: zijnde het III. deel van het vermakelyck landt-leven" written by Petrus Nylandt and printed by Marcus Willemsz Doornick has ID "". We can retrieve data about this specific title using the following query.

How can we find the IDs of books that have been decsribed in the SCTN? The queries below help us to find the necessary information.

To get a sense of the number of titles we are dealing with, we work with a query which counts all of the titles which are part of the STCN dataset.

Printing the full list of records would obviously demand an enormous amount of space. The query below only lists the first 15 titles.

We can also zoom in on titles produced by a specific printer.

The query below requests information about the books printed by Bonaventura Elzevier, whose ID is

More specifically, the query requests the title, author, format, year of publication and the subject headings.

Annual productivity





Other printers in the STCN

The analyses that were performed for Bonaventura Elzevier can be applied to all the printers who are described in the STCN. The IDs of these printers can be found using the query below.

Prayer Books

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