Social Network Analysis
The files referenced in these exercises can be downloaded here.
Exercise 1
Create a network visualization in Palladio of the network in the correspondence that you have transcribed for assignment 1 of DMT. Follow the steps below.
- Open the file named 'palladio_letters.csv' in a text editor.
- Open Palladio at
- Click on “Start”
- Add the data
- Under “Create a new project”, copy and paste the contents of the CSV file into the text field under “Load.csv or spreadsheet”
- Verify the special characters and make sure that all the data types are correct
- Rename the table to ‘Letters’
- Click on “Graph”
- Under “Settings”, select the field “Sender” under “Source” and “Recipient” under “Target”
- Under “Highlight”, select either the “Source” or the “Target”
- Under “Size nodes”, select "Number of Letters"
- Try to create a bipartite network
- Under “Settings”, select the field “Recipient” under “Source” and “Year” under “Target”
- Also to try to visualize the correspondence on a map. Click on “Map”
- In the box labelled “Map Layers”, Click on “New Layer”
- Choose the following settings:
- Name: ‘Sender'
- Map type: points
- Places: Geo_sender
- Choose a colour
- Also add a layer for the recipient
- Name: ‘Recipient'
- Map type: points
- Places: Geo_sender
- Choose a colour
- Finally, create a map of the type “Point to Point”. Click on “Add Layer"
- Name: “Correspondence”
- Map type: “Point to Point”
- Source places: “Geo_sender”
- Target places: “Geo_recipient”
- Tooltip label: “Recipient”
- Note that you can combine a Map with a Timeline.
- Click on “Timeline” below the map
- Under “Dates” and “Group by”, select “Date”
- Using the crosshairs, select a specific period and notice that information on the map is updated.
Exercise 2
Explore the csv files named mapp_nodes.csv and mapp_edges.csv in Gephi. Try to answer the following questions:
- Which correspondent has sent the most letters?
- Which correspondent has received the most letters?
- Which correspondent can act as a 'broker'?
Follow the steps below.
- File > New Project
- Tab ‘Data Laboratory’
- Window > Data Table
- Click on File > Import Spreadsheet
- Navigate to the CSV file containing the nodes.
- Open as table “Nodes Table”
- Click on File > Import Spreadsheet
- Navigate to the CSV file containing the edges.
- Open as table “Edges Table”
- Uncheck “create missing nodes” and check “Append to current workspace”
Run Statistics
- Network Diameter
- Modularity
- Eigenvector Centrality (Directed)
- Yifan Hu
Graph panel
- Show labels (‘T’ icon with tooltip “Show Node Labels”)
- Node Colours: Based on Betweenness Centrality
- Node Size: Based on Eigenvector Centrality