Appendix A. Transformations in Oxygen

To transform a XML file in the Oxygen application, you need to create a transformation scenario.

If you have not transformed any files yet, there will probably be no scenario available. In this case, you need to create one first. Follow these steps :

If a scenario is available and if it has been configured correctly, you can execture the transformation by clicking on the "Apply Transformation"-button which is marked by a red arrow (see illustration). If the transformation is sucessful, an new html-file will have been created in the directory that you had specified.

Browser transformations

An XSLT-transformation can also be performed by a browser that supports XSL. This is the case for, for example, Firefox, and for Internet Explorer version 5 and higher. The Microsoft XSLT implementation is called MSXSL.

To transform the file, add a link in the XML file to the XSLT-file, immediately after the XML-declaration :

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="stylesheet.xsl"?>

If you open the xml-file in a browser that supports XSL, you will see not the full XML file, but a representation of this file based on the specifications in the stylesheet transformation.xsl.