7. Setting conditions

The stylesheet that was discussed at the end of section 6 contains the following fragment:

From <xsl:value-of select="author"> to
<xsl:value-of select="recipient"/><br/>

<xsl:value-of select="place"/>
<xsl:value-of select="year"/>
<value-of select="callnumber"/>

According to the DTD on which this XML file is based, none of the elements within <letter> are mandatory. It may be the case that certain elements are missing. What will happen when, for example, <place> is missing? In the code above, it can be seen that a line break (<br/>) is inserted after each <value-of> element. If collection.xml is transformed with this stylesheet, there will be a slight problem with the second letter. Apparently, the place in which this letter was written could not be established. The stylesheet cannot select a value, and, since a line break is printed after each command (<br/>), an empty line will be printed. This results in a somewhat confusing HTML code:

This problem can be solved by selecting certain elements only under a certain condition. To define a condition, use the element <xsl:if>. This element must used with a test attribute specifying the condition. The instructions between the opening and closing tag of the <xsl:if> element will be performed only if this condition can be evaluated as true.

Our current stylesheet can be improved by surrounding all the optional elements by <xsl:if>, as follows:

<xsl:if test="place">
<xsl:value-of select="place"/>

This script only shows the contents of the <place> element if this element is actually present.